Posts Tagged ‘Testimonial’

Mrs.Roli Saxena – Parent Testimonial For GMCPH

Our Montessori’s fresher Varnika is enjoying our online, fun-filled #SchoolComesHome sessions at home. 🦄 Watch her mother, Mrs.Roli Saxena, talk about how she has developed a “tremendous faith in GMCPH”, in a short period. 😊 You can call or Whatsapp us on 91 9845717587 to learn more about our Montessori school. You can also visit …Read More

Mrs.Bhargavi – Parent Testimonial For GMPCH

When your child joins GMCPH, you can rest assured that she or he will thrive in our care! 😊 Here’s Mrs.Bhargavi, the mother of our Montessori’s student Jhanavi, talking about the positive changes she has seen in her child due to the “countless efforts put in” by GMCPH. If you’d like to know more about …Read More